Overlaying changes

Simply drawing over existing plans showing what changes can be made.

changing proportions

adjusting the keel to add more stability


The concept that we ran with really encouraged us to push the boundaries and think futuristic. It was unfortunate that we were unable to thoroughly research and design all aspects seeing as it was such a big and ambitious project.  Maybe a better approach would have to be design the ship together and individually design one or two components.

I think our concept was received well, however the one issue raised by Don was the ability for the ship to move and float .  He questioned the proportions and the design of the keel;- suggesting that we should have kept to proportions that currently exist.

The feedback that Don gave to other groups and in general was also interesting, and something that I will be taking on board for future projects.

  • Design to the brief and its limitations.  A mobile entity needs to be durable, needs to fit within the parameters of its transportation etc.
  • How can mobile architecture (or any other architecture) engage with its users through its aesthetics? Is the experience received through its construction? Can users help to construct it? How can it be made personal?

Presentation boards


I was going to have a series of diagrams above, showing the stage-by-stage process for assembly;- I found this to be more effective to show circulation and spaces.  Jane then suggested to add colour to my floor plans and diagrams as this would make it easier for people to understand.
This is the end result;-


agriculture production



Elevations to demonstrate visual presence and identity.


Additional renders showing internal spaces

Presentation techniques

For my presentation boards, I am planning to have 3 panels.  Panel 1 will explain my overall concept.  Panel 2 will address the components that make up this concept and Panel 3 will illustrate how these components and space work together in the entity.

external image showing concept (P1)

Section (panel 2), will be accompanied by diagrams showing aquaponic systems